Jasper Singh

pic profile jasper singh

Jasper’s primary research interests lie in applying a combination of spectroscopic techniques to further understand the unique properties exhibited at the electrode-electrolyte interface in Li-Ion batteries. He hopes to explore the electrochemistry and fundamental reaction mechanisms occurring at the surface of Li electrodes. Jasper intends to use both in-situ and ex-situ techniques to assemble a detailed understanding of the different phenomena that influence the interface of these batteries. Jasper’s previous research tackled the discipline of energy from a different standpoint, working alongside the Bugg Group at the University of Warwick, he investigated different strains of bacteria that could convert brown coal into green fuel.

Jasper joined the Weatherup group in October 2021 to investigate the electrode-electrolyte interface in Li-Ion batteries. He is currently a first year DPhil student in the Department of Materials at St Edmund Hall, University of Oxford. Jasper received First Class honours in his bachelors degree in Chemistry from the University of Warwick prior to this (2018-2021). He grew up in London and his sporting interests include rugby, football, and swimming. Jasper was part of the University of Warwick Rugby Football Club senior executive team (2019-2021) and is now a member of the St Edmund Hall Rugby Football Club.







Rex Richards Building, Department of Materials,
University of Oxford, 
Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3RQ, UK