Elizabeth Jones

Elizabeth Jones photo

After studying a joint honours in chemistry and physics Lizzie's main research interests were in the crossover between these subjects; surface science encapsulates this. Her previous research experience focused on using XPS to study thin films and improving methods of production of thin films. After performing a research project looking at preventing corrosion of copper and studying this using XPS, Lizzie then became interested by more advanced XPS techniques which could improve this sort of study. Going forward Lizzie will be focusing on producing cells which allow battery reactions to be studied by XPS at near ambient conditions.

In 2020 Lizzie graduated from the University of St Andrews with an MSci in Chemistry and Physics. Lizzie loved being in the coastal town for 5 years, but never took up golf and spent more time in pubs instead! During her undergraduate degree Lizzie started playing korfball (a mixed gender sport which is a combination of basketball and netball) and hopes to continue to play in Oxford. Lizzie grew up in a rural village on Dartmoor and enjoys going for walks with her family when going back to visit. During the summers of 2017, 2018, and 2019 Lizzie worked as a research intern at KP Technology (Wick), University of St Andrews, and Diamond Light Source, respectively. 





Department of Materials, University of Oxford

Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3PH